Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Summer Wind ---of 2011

           This summer has been a great experience. I have met some amazing people and have had the opportunity to photography some very interesting subjects.

"September Path" (Vertical)
        For example, I met this sweet woman who purchase two of my giclee prints. They were both of the beach. Traditional beach shots of the jetty and the drift wood beach fences. Upon delivering them to her home, she gave me a tour. When we entered the kitchen she said, " this is were you work will hang".  It was in front of her little kitchen table. She told me that, " this is were I spend most of my day, talking on the phone, paying bills, etc. I used to have a view of the beach until they built that multi-million dollar building across from me. Now, all I see are the bricks of that building. I though your pictures would give me a sense of the beach and a feeling of calm." I was so touched that she wanted to look as my pictures every day.

        I also met this sweet retired couple. Every time I see them at art shows they make me smile. They are always holding hands seem so in-love. He told me that my cards are "cheaper than Hallmarks and are much better." She told me, that even thought she "is Jewish, she love my Christmas cards because they make her laugh". This one is her favorite.

"Lifeguard Chair"

           I also met a Captain this year.  Captain Joe, is a fluke fisherman who has this amazing life. He fishes for fluke that get shipped live to Japan each day. During the month of November he captains a boat in Alaska. His boat is named after his wife, JoAnn and he wanted a surprise to his wife with a photograph of it.  
          I went out every morning for a week and photographed his boat, the " My JoAnn".  I loved getting up at 6 am to photograph. The light was so beautiful, everything had this crisp golden glow. It was just perfect. I was finally able to get the winning shot with the orange sun rising above his beloved.

"My JoAnn"

"Take the Wheel"
           I also have this wonder client who has bought several nautical prints from me. In passing she told me about her wonderful Italian grandma, Nonna. Nonna and her spent one day crushing their tomatoes and then canning them for the year.  It sounded like a fun experience.
          Well, at the end of a very long day at an art show the client returns. She brought me a can of her Nonna's tomatoes, pasta and homemade meat balls. A dinner fit for  king---or at lest of tired artist and he her roadie husband. Wow, I was so touched by her generosity and kindness. She was sharing her art with me.

         It has been a fantastic summer and I had met some a truly amazing people and such talented artists. They inspire me all the time and always challenging me to do better. There are just too many people to list, but I guess the one who I was deeply touched with was this elderly woman. She was so polished, she looked like a late Jacqueline Kennedy in her lavender blouse. Her family had taking her out of the the nursing home and was pushing her around the Plaza in her wheel chair. The elderly woman did not speak very much, but when she saw a picture of a tulip she smiled and told me it was pretty.
         That is the best compliment and artist can ever receive.


PS: The tulip picture is now in her room.

Kristie Arden